Zabbix preprocessing items

Zabbix preprocessing items. Mar 27, 2023 · The following examples illustrate how you can use JavaScript preprocessing. Filtering VMware event log records. Low-level discovery is considered a heavy operation in Zabbix, so its frequency should be low. The discovery rule can also be a dependent item, depending on a regular item. This section provides item value preprocessing details. There are many uses for this functionality. 3 Preprocessing examples Overview. Horizontal position: Select horizontal position of the item description - left, right or center. Preprocessing is managed by a preprocessing manager process, which was added in Zabbix 3. hits[0]. *}, {INVENTORY. maximum I have tested the step: I got the value what i needed, but when i check on item i have these problems: Preprocessing failed for: &quot;timeStamp&quot;: &quot;2023-03 A custom regular expression name in Zabbix may contain commas, spaces, etc. I got it working by adding a single pre-processing step: select 'Simple change' from the dropdown. 0. Item configuration: May 14, 2019 · While this example is quite a trivial, Javascript preprocessing can be used in complex things like analyzing input data, converting text data to other formats (JSON), etc. If you test it with the [test] button, you should see your value succeeding the test, and a footnote by Zabbix: "Result converted to Numeric (unsigned)" HTH! Michael Sep 2, 2018 · In the item configuration you can click on preprocessing and use a customer multiplier to divide a value, but I am not sure if that what you want. Basically, whenever Zabbix standard preprocessing options fall short, there is a good chance it can be done with Javascript preprocessing. Just set it as a dependent item of the master item above with a static name and key value. It is possible to test: against a hypothetical value; against a real value from a host Preprocessing is done by Zabbix server or proxy (if items are monitored by proxy). You can see the result of our XPath parameter. That might get you where you need to be. In order to use XML object, server/proxy must be compiled with libxml2 support. For example, you may want to calculate the hourly average of some item value or to calculate the total value for a group of items. For a Zabbix sender item, the Type should always be ‘Zabbix trapper’. 14. 4. data[59]. Example 1: Convert a number (scientific notation to integer) Oct 21, 2020 · Preprocessing is done either by the Zabbix Server or by Zabbix Proxy (for items monitored by proxy). The documentation mentions the possible use of user macros, but LLD macros does not seem to work. 11 Item value preprocessing details Overview. The Problem now is, that we would like it to discard a specifc eventlog completly. version. * logged in . Preprocessing can be used not only to transform data, but also to validate the received metrics and optimize the collected data to improve Zabbix performance and scalability. Of course, if I made a mistake in the parameters, I would also see that in the test. anyone can help me with javascript script. In Data collection → Hosts and Data collection → Templates subsections (such as Items or Discovery rules), you can now click on the host or template name to open their 要使此选项生效,Zabbix 服务器(或 Zabbix 代理)必须在编译时支持 libxml; 不支持命名空间; 如果勾选 自定义错误处理 选项,可以指定自定义错误处理选项:丢弃值、设置指定值或设置指定错误消息。 Mar 14, 2022 · Hello all, I'm trying to parse data on an item. Dec 23, 2022 · To extract the "nom du compte" and "nom de l'ordinateur de l'appelant" from the log text using a regular expression, you can use the following pattern: In the "Preprocessing" tab of the dependent item select the "Matches regular expression" validation option and fill pattern, for example: ". Our Zabbix is currently at version 7. 2022-05-06T12:21:24Z ti Unixtime Do you 1 Preprocessing testing Testing. A segment can take the form of a simple word, representing a JSON value name, the wildcard character (*), or a more intricate construct enclosed within square brackets. 15 Dec 15, 2021 · Hello everybody, I'm stuck with Zabbix 5. Click on Items in the row of the host; Click on Create item in the upper right corner of the screen; Enter parameters of the item in the form; You can also create an item by opening an existing one, pressing the Clone button and then saving under a different name. Note that all values passed to preprocessing are of the string type; conversion to the desired value type (as defined in item configuration) is performed at the end of the preprocessing pipeline. I use zabbix 4. You can also use such preprocessing for other {HOST. You will have to setup item trapper for this. Testing preprocessing steps is useful to make sure that complex preprocessing pipelines yield the results that are expected from them, without waiting for the item value to be received and preprocessed. In the Value box, copy ‐ paste your XML document. 33 Linux: Alma Linux 9. JSONPath is composed of segments separated by dots. It's supported in: items (item prototypes) low-level discovery rules; Configuration. Test item preprocessing. Using regular expressions to filter unnecessary events from the VMware event log. dev. Transformations are executed in the order in which they are defined. 0-427. Name" to the above) could be used here as mentioned above, or use javascript preprocessing to do this with regex, I've had to make many items this way. Overview. 33. hits. Method Regex Output Description (. The Item tab contains general item attributes. Once you have configured a host, you must add items to get actual data. If discovery uses another frequent item as a source (Item type = dependent item) - apply “Discard unchanged with heartbeat” preprocessing for such discovery. While the Result object does not have any methods, it can contain the following properties. (sorry my English is bad) Please help for me. Preprocessing is managed by a preprocessing manager process, which has been added in Zabbix 3. After upgrading to 7. It cannot depend on another discovery rule. timeseries[0]. This section outlines the supported JSONPath functionality within item value preprocessing steps. fs. As it has created items just cannot get latest data I think that is relate to json path . Using preprocessing I thought this 7 Calculated items Overview. 009. I think it needs preprocessing using javascript. *) \0: Returns only the first line of the complete failed logon event text. In this preprocessing step it is possible to convert CSV file data into JSON format. In those cases where that may lead to misinterpretation when referencing (for example, a comma in the parameter of an item key) the whole reference may be put in quotes like this: "@My custom regexp for purpose1, purpose2". The dependent items are evaluated every time the master item changes. Preprocessing is managed by a preprocessing manager process, along with worker threads that perform the preprocessing steps. 0, the processing of certain items has broken. Aug 15, 2024 · This javascript sets both the values and MACROs for me since zabbix macro handling was being a pain. In the "Preprocessing" tab of the dependent item select the "Matches regular expression" validation option and fill pattern, for example: ". This applies to the Script parameter in Browser items, Script items, Webhooks, and the JavaScript preprocessing step. val()) is note work. 3. One way of quickly adding many items is to attach one of the predefined templates to a host. These examples use regular expressions in the preprocessing steps. Then open the CLI and reload the config cache: zabbix_server -R config_cache_reload. (vfs. data: Feb 3, 2023 · Hi I am new with zabbix. That is what a calculated item is for. Each example contains a brief description, a function body for JavaScript preprocessing parameters, and the preprocessing step result - value returned by the function. *}, {ITEM. Created a new item with the calculated type. parse($(&quot;#yourCustomDate). END OF MASTER ITEM. *" - filters all logging events in the event log "\bUser\s+\K\S+" - filter only lines with usernames from the event log an HTTP master item pointing to the appropriate data endpoint, e. Preprocessing is done by Zabbix server or proxy (if items are monitored by proxy). NOTE. I need to get free disk space from server and i get it in bytes. 1. 4, along with preprocessing workers that perform the preprocessing steps. x86_64 Return of zabbix_server -R diaginfo == history cache diagnostic information == Items:0 values:0 time:0. Vertical position: Select vertical position of the item description - top, bottom or middle. In preprocessing it is possible to apply transformations to the received item values before saving them to the database. Discovery Item. g. The master item must exist. Sep 17, 2020 · Preprocessing allows to define transformation rules for the received item values. That's how I parse a complex MariaDB status output: one item grabs the data, and several dependent items parse that data one status item each. Apr 25, 2019 · Preprocessing item 25-04-2019, 14:13. XPath parameter test result. *" - filters all logging events in the event log "\bUser\s+\K\S+" - filter only lines with usernames from the event log Jul 10, 2019 · Item preprocessing step #1 failed: cannot perform regular expression match: pattern does not match, type "string", value "5 0 100" The output of the item is string but I want to treat the numbers as "numbers". So querying a host once, getting all the metrics in bulk, and then parsing it in Zabbix using preprocessing. In the screenshot the low level discovery doesn't work properly because it looks like the JSONpath preprocessing doesn't properly handle the data. Item value preprocessing. Zabbix preprocessing options can be used to extract the part that is needed for the dependent item from the master item data. el9_4. Attached screenshot on how the data comes in on zabbix under 'Latest Data'. The item is working as intented and is collecting all the data we expected. Discovery item in snmp. Now we can send values to the Zabbix sender, specifying IP address of the Zabbix server 3 Preprocessing examples Overview. Creating Zabbix sender item. Configuration. For whatever reason, I cannot use JSONPATH in zabbix where I need to call the name of a macro as a literal string. *} and user macros are supported. For a dependent item, select the respective type (Dependent item) and specify the master item in the 'Master item' field. parse(value) or Date. Note that all values passed to preprocessing are of the string type, conversion to desired value type (as defined in item configuration) is performed at the end of the preprocessing pipeline; conversions, however, may also take place if required by the Any changes to the item's preprocessing steps will cause the cached script to be reset and recompiled later. 1. Note that all values passed to preprocessing are of the string type, conversion to desired value type (as defined in item configuration) is performed at the end of the preprocessing pipeline; conversions, however, may also take place if required by the Nov 5, 2019 · Here we can already see the preprocessing step. _source. 0 at the moment, and I'm wondering if there is a way to use LLD macro inside javascript preprocessing step for an item prototype. value[0]. Typically, the Result object is stringified and returned from the script, and then parsed into dependent item values through preprocessing. 99 and I decided to use JavaScript preprocessing for this. zabbix[preprocessing_queue] The XML object allows the processing of XML data in the item and low-level discovery preprocessing and webhooks. zabbix[items_unsupported] The number of unsupported items. 7 server. To configure a CSV to JSON preprocessing step: Go to the Preprocessing tab in item/discovery rule configuration; Click on Add; Select the データ型が数値(整数)に設定されている項目に対して乗数を使用したり、値を1秒あたりの差分として保存したりして、計算結果の値が実際には浮動小数点数である場合でも、小数点部分を切り捨てて値を整数として保存することで、計算値は正しい値として受け入れられます。 Hello I am really new zbx, I tried in many ways change datetime in preprocessing -Items to unixtime, but still with issue I have YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD and I need convert it to Unixtime (maybe in JS) return date. Data preprocessing is performed in the following steps: The item value is passed to the preprocessing manager using a UNIX socket-based IPC mechanism. . Otherwise: May 16, 2021 · I needed to make a table conversion of two values - first ranged 0999 and second 0. All values (with Jan 29, 2020 · Maybe use one item for the full data and then use two dependent items to parse the required fields from the master item. However, for optimized system performance, you may need to fine-tune the templates to have as many items and as frequent monitoring as necessary. LET’S RECAP. *) \1: Returns the 1st occurrence of the Account Name in the log text, that created the event. You may want to, for example: multiply the network traffic value by "8" to convert bytes into bits; get the per-second statistics of an incrementally rising value; The item value preprocessing allows to define and execute transformation rules for the received item values. Thanks in advance Zabbix version: 6. Checking if Zabbix API is alive, using apiinfo. Items are used for collecting data. To learn about configuring basic preprocessing steps, see: Item value preprocessing. Dependent items cannot have a different update interval than the master item. In this example we are using a Zabbix agent item type. Zabbix 3. The item in some cases Aug 6, 2023 · Alternatively, you cas set up trigger in task scheduler for this id and filter using xpath, pass values to some ps script for processing which also will send value to zabbix using zabbix_sender. THanks Sep 3, 2023 · Hello, could you please advise whats wrong. value Example 3. Account Name:\t\t(. I would like it to show only &quot;DoorOpened Minor Door Opened&quot; Appreciate any feedback. That’s why on the dependent items we apply preprocessing to filter relevant information, for example, the BusyWorkers: Perfect. size[D:,free]) I need to get disk space in Gb. For example, in the context of vfs. Any changes to the item's preprocessing steps will cause the cached script to be reset and recompiled later. also make sure each item has the right parent item. I have created an item with preprocesing on json path - $. 4, along Preprocessing is done by Zabbix server or proxy (if items are monitored by proxy). The dot before a bracketed Preprocessing is done by Zabbix server or proxy (if items are monitored by proxy). • Use master items with LLD! • Discover your metrics with preprocessing! • Data validation! • Custom behavior with advanced preprocessing rules! • Discard unnecessary data with throttling! • Improve performance by preprocessing on the proxy! • Transform your data! Nov 11, 2019 · What are the different ways you can use Zabbix preprocessing and why you should consider implementing it in your environment? Let’s take a brief look at how Zabbix preprocessing has evolved and the technical nuances of transforming and storing your preprocessed data. One or several transformations are possible before saving values to the database. This section presents examples of using preprocessing steps to accomplish some practical tasks. 2. 4 here. I need your help. Size: Enter font size height for the item description (in percent relative to total widget Sep 3, 2021 · It looks like JSONPATH (Just add ". 000348 Memory. zabbix[lld_queue] The count of values enqueued in the low-level discovery processing queue. Regular expression. Preprocessing is managed by the preprocessing manager process along with preprocessing workers that perform the preprocessing steps. Quick access to host or template configuration. zabbix[java,,] The information about Zabbix Java gateway. 4 Kernel 5. Note that the conversion to desired value type (as defined in item configuration) is performed at the end of the preprocessing pipeline; conversions, however, may also take place if required by the corresponding preprocessing step. Comment Post Cancel Now use a JSONPath preprocessing step to get the item value: $. A calculated item allows to create a calculation based on the values of some existing items. this could be better if zabbix got too much preprocessing - but that all depends on your zabbix instance Preprocessing is done by Zabbix server or proxy (if items are monitored by proxy). I solved the problem as follows: 1. If the item has neither preprocessing nor dependent items, its value is either added to the history cache or sent to the LLD manager. Calculations may use both: single values of individual 12 Item value preprocessing details Overview. 6 CSV to JSON preprocessing Overview. discovery item, if zabbix[items] The number of enabled items (supported and not supported). Apr 1, 2021 · So the master and dependent items are identical when no preprocessing is applied. Consider always starting at 1 per hour. Item value preprocessing allows to define and execute transformation rules for the received item values. Hi all. Instead, take a look at your item and set the (Type of information) to numeric float if you have not done so already. But here's the bad luck - only one value can be passed to the script - the value of the current item. Consecutive runtime failures (3 in a row) will cause the engine to be reinitialized to mitigate the possibility of one script breaking the execution environment for the next scripts (this action is logged with DebugLevel 4 and higher). Aug 2, 2023 · try all pre-processing steps within the same item and see if they work. I've tested the situation by creating a new host, but the problem is still present. Click Apply and then Test. 4, along Sep 9, 2024 · Hello, My zabbix process manager always has processing at 100% and the queue always remains high. Note that all values passed to preprocessing are of the string type, conversion to desired value type (as defined in item configuration) is performed at the end of the preprocessing pipeline; conversions, however, may also take place if required by the Nov 13, 2020 · Then we’ll create an item to work as a Zabbix sender item. https://<prometheus host>/metrics; dependent items using a Prometheus preprocessing option to query required data from the metrics gathered by the master item; There are two Prometheus data preprocessing options: Prometheus pattern - used in normal items to query Prometheus data Jul 6, 2016 · On Zabbix 5. stydy utpx jfrndo jfqbj cpsx ulrupb xlb dmtlcse kchu qsnrkx